12 month staking details
Staking Amount in SatoshiFX token | USD | USD | USD |
Staking Period | 12 Months | 12 Months | 12 Months |
Staking Period | 12 Months | 12 Months | 12 Months |
At the completion of the staking period, the staked DIFX tokens and the remaining profits earned in DIFX tokens will be disbursed to the investors.
Reward Distribution
To reduce selling pressure and ensure steady pricing of SatoshiFX tokens, the awards will be dispersed in SatoshiFX tokens within 7 days after the payout period concludes. All investors will be able to sell their SatoshiFX tokens whenever they choose in SatoshiFX's extremely liquid pairs with all major crypto currencies and stocks.
Additional Benefits
Trading charts created by high-performing in-house experts will also be available for tokens. Investors will receive trade signals on a daily basis and market reports on a weekly basis from top-tier fund houses and institutions to help them make better trading decisions. More incentives are being considered for our Alpha investors in the future.
The Satoshifx wealth management platform with the goal of becoming the leading independent wealth platform for the international financial services market. Since then we’ve attracted Financial Advisers and their investors from all over the world to hold their investments with us.
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Satoshi FX LLC
Suite 305, Griffith corporate centre, Beachmont, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines.